What To Do With 10 lbs Of Pork Patties!

I recently received 10 lbs of pork patties from my food pantry and I have no clue what to do with them. I’ve been searching for reasonable recipes that don’t call for 9 million ingredients, that will be appetizing to an 11 year old, a 9 year old, a two year old and especially my […]

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Healthy Salads And Salad Dressings

I’m looking for some new recipes for salads and dressings for my family. We get so stuck in a rut with the regular old standby side salad. I know there are some great salads to be made and would love some suggestions! Thank you. 🙂 The Hillbilly Housewife: I’ll get us started. My SIL shared […]

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How To Make An Emergency Crisco Candle – Frugal Tip

I first came across this tip on Pinterest and then found a video on YouTube. You can take a can of Crisco and a piece of string (or a candle wick) and create your own long lasting candle. This might come in very handy during a long power outage. Below is a short video on […]

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Recommended Tools for Your Emergency Preparedness Plan

When disaster strikes or an emergency hits, will you be prepared? Oftentimes, during and in the clean up after people have to perform manual labor to deal with the situation. Clearing branches, trees, debris, dirt, ice or snow from your home and property may be your first chore after a disaster. Although, you can’t prepare […]

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Ranchos Huevos Burrito

I love Huevos Rancheros, but don’t often have the time to make them for breakfast. This “to-go” version is a great alternative that also makes for a yummy, healthy lunch. 2 large eggs salt and pepper to taste 2 Tbsp canned black beans (or other beans you liked) 1 Tbsp chunky salsa, any you like […]

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Cucumber Salad With Ginger

Here’s a salad that’s as simple as it is delicious. It’s perfect when you are grilling in the backyard or for picnics. Since there is no mayonnaise etc, there is no need to worry about it spoiling to quickly in warm weather. 4 medium size fresh cucumbers, peeled 1/3 cup rice vinegar 1 tsp honey […]

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Hummus with Yogurt

Hummus makes for a great healthy snack and a nice appetizer when you have people over. I love this particular recipe. The yogurt adds some calcium and additional protein and makes for an extra creamy dip. You can easily modify this recipe by adding more garlic or even some roasted red peppers. 1 can (15 […]

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Start Your Day With A Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I’m sure you remember your Mom telling you that when she was trying to get you to eat something before heading to school. The same still holds true today and there is now plenty of scientific evidence that our bodies don’t function as well without a […]

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Water and Peppermint Oil As Headache Relief – Frugal Tip

Got a headache? Instead of grabbing that bottle of Aspirin of the shelf, try one of these two headache relief tips first (or even both). Drink A Glass Of Water When you first start to feel a headache coming on, start by grabbing a big glass of water. Headaches are often a sign of dehydration […]

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Wild Gooseberry Pie

My grandmother made the best gooseberry pies by memory. I tried to record her recipe several diffrent ways & times over the years without success. Grandma did use wild gooseberries when possible. I have also looked on the internet & in cookbooks for one over the years since her passing without success. Help, please. Thanks […]

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Raised Waffles

Yeast waffles that raise over night in the refrigerator and a buttermilk waffle recipe were a specialty in the 70s cookbook of BH And Gardens or Betty Crocker. The cookbook was lost in a fire. I’d like to find them again. Do you have a recipe that might work? Share it as a comment below. […]

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Wedding Cake Recipe From Dayton Ohio

I have been looking for years for the white wedding cake recipe that was used in the 1970s for wedding cakes in the Dayton, Ohio area. They were the best cakes ever! (I always enjoyed helping my Mom at church for wedding receptions so I could have a piece!) I’ve tried several white cake recipes […]

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Freeze Bananas For Smoothie Making – Frugal Tip

I’ve been making a lot of smoothies and thought I’d share one of my favorite frugal tips for overripe bananas with you. It will help keep you from throwing out overripe bananas (or making yet another loaf of banana bread) and it is also a great way to take advantage of the great deals you […]

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Cheesecake Recipe Using Jello and Cottage Cheese

My Grandmother made me a cheesecake with graham cracker crust and topping, that had cottage cheese and used clear jello. It was the lightest and best! She has since passed away and I would love to introduce this to my girls. Disclosure: Some of the links below are affilate links, meaning, at no additional cost […]

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Bambino Huey Recipe

The Bicconi family in San Antonio has had a number of restaurants over the years. Every single one of them has carried an incredible dessert called “Bambino Huey”. For a time, we could pick this up frozen at HEB. At this time, there is no Bicconi’s restaurant in S.A. and no to fulfill this addiction. […]

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