Bathroom Cleaning Rules

I have a confession to make… Aside from my kitchen, the bathrooms are what I spend most time on cleaning. I give it a good top-to-bottom cleaning only to find toothpaste smears in the sink, towels on the floor and all sorts of clutter on the counter a few hours later.

Some days I wonder why I even bother. This morning, I realized something. As a family we aren’t good about putting things back where they belong and straitening up as we go, especially in the bathroom. I realized this while I was reading “The Golden Rules Of Cleaning the Bathroom” by Cheryl from

It’s one of her 3 big rules to make keeping the bathroom tidy easier and something we need to work on.

I also loved her step by step cleaning list. Here are the first few steps to a sparkly clean bathroom.

  1. using a damp microfiber cloth, move clockwise around the room, wiping down walls, door frames and light fixtures (you can attach your microfiber cloth over the end of a mop pole and secure it with a rubber band to make reaching easier).
  2. use a second microfiber cloth and all purpose cleaner to clean furniture and decor items as you go.
  3. When you reach the mirror clean it. 

Click through to her post to read more about her 3 golden rules and to find the rest of the cleaning list.


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