Have you ever needed a receipt to look up the warranty information for something you purchased that is no longer working? While looking for the receipt, you find stacked underneath some pieces of junk mail your credit card statement that was due to be paid three days ago, causing you a $35 late fee! If […]
Continue readingI don’t know about you but when I look around my home, I feel overwhelmed and frantic when things are not organized. Now, I am not talking about a “lived in” environment. What I am talking about is when the members of my family are just downright lazy and don’t put things away or clean […]
Continue readingI love peaches, I love peaches even more when they are frozen!!! As a kid, my mom would always buy bulk peaches when in season and freeze them in big batches. I liked eating them when they were still frozen but found it difficult when frozen in large batches. So I came up with this idea…its […]
Continue readingEveryone usually has cd's that can't be used or are useless.We garden and the bunnies and squirrels are always a pest.Last year I used the typical aluminum pie pans but the noise was melodic for s ure.This year I tied cd's with string to tomato cages down low.The shiny movements seem to be working so […]
Continue readingI wish I could give you a simple answer on this, but there are probably as many ways to freeze pies as there are pies! Some pies simply don’t freeze well, regardless of how you do it. For example, custard pies and meringue topped pies are better off fresh baked. On the other hand, fruit […]
Continue readingMy 8-year-old is a big fan of grapes. She loves them for snack, grape juice, grape jelly… you name it. With my recent obsession with making ice cream she's been asking for grape ice cream. We tried a few different recipes and after some little tweaks we came up with the recipe for grape ice […]
Continue readinganilla ice cream over the chocolate ice cream. Arrange remaining graham crackers over the ice cream, again cutting the crackers to fit the pan. Slightly reheat the remaining chocolate sauce if necessary, then drizzle in a pretty pattern over the top layer of the graham crackers. Put in freezer and freeze solid for about 3 […]
Continue readingReady to make the quickest and easiest homemade ice cream you’ve ever made? Throw some bananas in the freezer and pull the blender out of the cupboard and you’ll be ready to make this simple frozen treat. Here’s how. [amd-zlrecipe-recipe:47] This is delicious with any frozen fruit like: strawberries peaches blueberries mango raspberries For more […]
Continue readingSince I came out with the latest HBHW ebook “Homemade Ice Cream and Other Frozen Treats“, I had several readers ask me if they should buy an ice cream maker and if they need one for the recipes in the ebook. Disclosure: Some of the links below are affilate links, meaning, at no additional cost […]
Continue readingI picked up a basket of peaches this week and had quite a few extra ripe ones laying on the counter this morning. I made some delicious ice cream from and there's hardly any left in the freezer. If you've been looking for a good homemade peach ice cream recipe, this is the one to […]
Continue readingI have taken in a stray cat and have found the only food she really likes is the grocery store brand food w/gravy in pouches. I'm looking for recipes to make a moist type cat food to try and save some money and make a more healthy food for her without all the fillers and […]
Continue readingI have several family members with diabetes and have been looking for a few different ice cream recipes that use sugar substitutes like stevia. Here's a great stevia vanilla ice cream recipe . It was a big hit! Yes, it does use raw eggs. Personally I don't have an issue with them, but if you […]
Continue reading7 1/2 cups water 2 2/3 cups instant powdered milk 1 cup buttermilk 1/2 tsp salt Place powdered milk and water in a mixing bowl and mix until milk is completely dissolved. Add in buttermilk. Cover bowl with plastic wrap and let it stand at room temp for about 8 hrs. (you want it to […]
Continue readingHere's another great refreshing ice cream idea. It's a low fat mint ice cream recipe. Prepare it as shown below, or stir in some tiny dark chocolate chips at the end for yummy mint chocolate chip ice cream. Either way you'll have a delicious frozen treat. Low Fat Mint Ice Cream 2 cups low-fat milk […]
Continue readingI love chai tea during the fall and winter months, but in the summer it's just too hot. This year I started experimenting with a chai tea ice cream recipe. Here's what I've come up with. It's a great adult ice cream. My 8-year old isn't a big fan though so keep that in mind […]
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