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-1 Timothy 6:8

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Oven or Crock Pot Roast

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  • 3 or 4 pound cheap beef roast (shoulder, chuck, arm or brisket)
  • 1 onion, sliced or 1 envelope dry onion soup mix

This dish is so easy, and so good. My favorite way to cook it is in the oven. To do this you need a roasting pan or a deep casserole dish to put the roast in. If it has a lid, so much the better, otherwise you will need a little tap water and some aluminum foil for a lid (more about this further down the recipe). 

Put the meat into the pan or casserole. Place the onion or dry soup mix on top of the meat. Add a 1/2-cup water if you are covering the top with tin foil instead of a lid. Otherwise you won't need water; the meat has water in it already that cooks out of it while it bakes. Put the lid on the dish, or cover it tightly with tin foil. Place the dish in the oven and cook it at 325° for 3 hours. Check it every now and then. If it seems dry add more water. It probably won't need it. There, now it is done. The juice in the bottom of the pan can be thickened or not, and served as gravy. I don't bother thickening it, but you could if you liked. This is good with baked potatoes, candied carrots and steamed green beans. Add some nice biscuits too for a meal that the fanciest company will be impressed by. 

To cook your roast in a crock pot put it all in the pot and cook it on high for 4 or 5 hours or low for 8 to 10 hours. You can add vegetables to cook with the meat if you like. I don't usually because I prefer baked potatoes with this dish. If you do add vegetables choose from carrots, turnips, onions and potatoes, or add a little of each. Peel them and cut them into chunks. Add along with the beef when you start the crock pot in the morning. Nothing could be easier, or taste better.

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