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-1 Timothy 6:8

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Sour Soy

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  • 1 tablespoon white vinegar
  • Almost 1 cup of soymilk

Measure 1 tablespoon of vinegar into a cup. Add enough soymilk to make 1 full cup. Stir gently and allow the mixture to sit and sour for a few moments. The soymilk will curdle gently and can be used instead of buttermilk in cooking and baking. It makes particularly glorious biscuits.

It can also replace soy yogurt in baking, although you may need a little bit less than the recipe calls for because Sour Soy is thinner than Soy Yogurt. Measure the amount suggested by the recipe and then only pour part of it in with the other ingredients. Mix well, and continue adding your sour soy, a little at a time, until the batter is the correct consistency. You may need the full amount, you may need a spoonful or two less. Use your best judgement, and trust your instincts.

Sour Soy can be made in any quantity by combining a small amount of vinegar and soymilk. The measurements don't need to be exact. You could pour a small splash of vinegar into a measuring cup and then add enough soymilk to make up the balance of the amount you need. Reconstituted powdered soymilk, fresh homemade soymilk and soymilk in aseptic boxes will all curdle nicely with this method. 

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