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-1 Timothy 6:8

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Rock Bottom Salmon Patties

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  • 15 oz can of salmon, undrained
  • 1 cup crumbled stale bread or crackers
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • bacon grease, oil or margarine for frying

Open up the salmon and pour it into a medium bowl. Add 1 cup of crumbled bread. About 3 slices should be enough. The bread doesn't have to be dry. I usually use the heels from day old bread. Add the pepper and sugar. Use clean hands or a fork to mix everything together until it has a uniform texture. Mash any small bones with your fingers or the fork. They add calcium to the dish.

Heat about 2 tablespoons of fat in a skillet. Drop heaping spoonfuls of the salmon mixture into the hot fat. Use the back of the spoon to flatten the patties slightly. Fry until crispy brown on the underside. Carefully flip the patties and brown the remaining side. Transfer the cooked patties to a plate and continue with another batch, until all are cooked. Makes 8 or 10 small patties or about 4 servings. Double the recipe to serve a family of 6.

These are the most basic salmon patties you can make. They taste best cooked in bacon grease or margarine, but any other fat will due the job.

If you have a lot of eggs you can add one to this recipe. The egg will make the patties a bit firmer, but will not affect the flavor. They are delicious either way.

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