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Homemade Convenience Foods
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And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.

-1 Timothy 6:8

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Frugal Recipes

Below all kinds of recipes that are nutritious yet easy on your budget. I hope you enjoy these as much as me and my family have.

Beans, Peas & Lentils:

I love to cook with all kinds of legumes. They are a good (and inexpensive) source of protein. Here are my favorite bean and lentil recipes.


There's more to frugal drinks than just water. Here are some of my favorite beverage recipes.

Bread & Grains:

Here you'll find my best bread recipes, along with some good muffins, biscuits and the likes. Click here for bread machine recipes. There are also some corn and cornmeal, oat and barley, rice and whole wheat recipes.


In this breakfast recipe section you'll find anything from pancakes and waffles to oatmeal and granola. There are all kinds of good dishes in here that fill you up and get you going in the morning.

Convenience Foods:

Convenience foods can put quite the strain on your budget. Save by making your own.

Crockpot Recipes:

Here are some great crockpot and slowcooker recipes. They are perfect when you have a busy day and want dinner waiting for you when you get home.

Dairy & Eggs:

Eggs are an inexpensive source of protein and there are all kinds of delicious frugal recipes that use powdered milk. Here they are:

Desserts & Sweets:

What would life be without a dessert or a sweat treat here and there. Make a few of these for your family.

Fruits and Vegetables:

Fruits and Vegetables are as delicious as they are healthy. If you buy locally and what's in season they are almost always a good buy. Here are my favorite recipes.

Meat, Poultry & Fish:

Buying meat can get quite expensive, unless you pick the right cuts. Here are some yummy frugal meat recipes.

Soups & Stews:

There is nothing more comforting than a hot cup of soup or stew. Try some of these.

Soy & Other Proteins:

Here you will find my soy bean, tofu and TVP recipes as well as wheat meat (seitan) recipes and other non-dairy foods.

Snack Recipes:

Who doesn't love a good snack? The recipes below are a lot more frugal than those store bought items, and tastier too.

Freezer Cooking

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